If you're absent during my struggle, don't expect to be present during my success.
Will Smith
  • 1
    Step1: Register
  • 2
    Step2: Create Your Profile
  • 3
    Step3: Socialize
  • 4
    Step4: Team Up
  • 5
    Step5: Start Your Project
  • 6
    Step6: Become an Entrepreneur!
Create your Account and become a member of the worldwide first YoungFounders Community . Our membership gives you the opportunity to meet like-minded people or prospective entrepreneurs from your city.
It is important that you create a sound and truthful profile. This way entrepreneurs will be able to find you and ask you to join their projects.
Become an active member of the forum and join our monthly events. This is the best way to make a name for yourself and to meet many interesting people.
You have a promising idea but you don't know where to find the people necessary for your particular idea? - Then you are at the perfect place here with us. As a member of YoungFounders will have the opportunity to broaden your horizon, form groups and start your own projects.
Once you have created your team, you will find a lot of support from the YoungFounders Community by using the forum for your own purposes and goals.


What are the main advantages of being part of the YoungFounders Community?

  • Get access to a great Network of Entrepreneurs.
  • Find Co-Founders and involve them in your projects.
  • The Community helps you solve your project related problems.

Additional advantages:

  • Meet Entrepreneurs in your area by joining the YoungFounders Events and pitch your ideas.
  • Get motivated to keep going with your projects.
  • Be able to use our startup job portal.
  • Make use of our Forum.
  • Get access to the Books & Videos database and learn more about Entrepreneurship.

How to become a YoungFounder?

You don't need to be already an Entrepreneur. You need to be ambitious, innovative and full of ideas. Be a dreamer and think BIG! Together we will change the world. Register on YoungFounders and fill out your profile completely. Keep in mind that your Profile will be deleted, if it does not meet our requirements. We are an exclusive community that only wants to have serious people on board.


The aim of the forum is to spread the entrepreneurial knowledge and make it accessible to the community.

The Forum is designed to help you hear firsthand from other Entrepreneurs and Experts how they are doing with their startups and to ask questions about your own projects. You can post surveys, events, share knowledge, etc. These discussions allow you to interact with the Experts and ask questions that are most important to you. Whether you are an Entrepreneur, Investor or Expert of any specific field, you are guaranteed to benefit from these discussions.


YoungFounders and partners will be organizing events regularly. These events serve our members to meet each other, approach new members and develop new ideas. The subjects and topics of the events are either determined beforehand or will be decided by the YoungFounders community in the forum.

Start-up Jobs

The online job platform from YoungFounders is focused on startups. New job opportunities are being added on a regularly basis, which are created by the community itself. Thus, more opportunities are created to find partners for own business ideas or to get involved in other interesting projects, whether it is full time, part time or as a freelancer.

Are you interested in a partnership?